General usage
Account Balance
Account Details
All Access Keys
Parse Seed Phrase
Parse Contract
Send Token
Account State

Tilda plugins tutorials for NEAR protocol in your projects

In this brief overview you will learn general information about using plagins and how you can use them in your projects

▸ Why is it needed?

First of all, it may well be a question - why do we need it? This is the right question because we have moved into a new era of the Internet, which today is called WEB3 - based on blockchain, which includes such concepts as decentralization and token-based economy. Web3 market is already worth trillions, and is expected to 10x by 2030. What does this mean for developers like you?
Massive opportunities, much like those of the iPhone app era and early days of Web2. Web3 needs your skills now.
If you missed the mobile and Web2 revolutions - this is your chance.

Powered by blockchain, Web3 is already more open, fair, and empowering for individual users than Web2 can ever be.
It solves the problems we face in Web2.


By removing the need for trust, and by removing the need for permission.To interact with Web3 applications, all you need is a wallet. This wallet contains your private key, which is used to sign transactions. Those transactions are then checked, confirmed and processed by the blockchain. Blockchains are really just databases, but the crucial difference is they are split across thousands of different nodes, rather than centralized on a few servers. Each node holds a complete copy of all data stored on the blockchain. Once data is verified, accepted, and written to the blockchain, it cannot be altered.

This means blockchains enable secure, peer-to-peer transactions without human intermediaries.It also means anyone with a wallet can program and interact with them.

For this reason we have created the basic elements that you can use today and connect your projects with the NEAR protocol.

▸ What is NEAR?

NEAR is a decentralized application platform that makes blockchain accessible to everyday people who are excited for the future of the Open Web. A web that is more private, more secure, and puts people in control of their money, data, and identity. NEAR’s purpose is to enable community-driven innovation to benefit people around the world.

What makes NEAR special?

1. NEAR is the inevitable evolution of existing platforms

▸ Bitcoin made digital currency a reality, a global transfer of value programmed on a blockchain. Ethereum took it a step further and made it possible to create basic applications leveraging digital currency on blockchains, but has faced issues with scaling and prohibitive fees.
▸ NEAR solves these challenges and finally makes building the Open Web possible by introducing a breakthrough sharding design that creates opportunities for innovation never possible in blockchain before.

2. NEAR is made for the real world

▸ NEAR is the fastest path to market for builders to create blockchain applications that are as easy to use as they are to build. It uses common development patterns and programming languages that are immediately familiar to web developers.
▸ NEAR was built with pragmatism of a Silicon Valley tech startup by engineers who have shipped scalable solutions for the world’s leading technology companies.
▸ NEAR is secure enough for high value assets like Digital Currencies or Identities and performant enough to scale for DeFi or Gaming applications without prohibitively expensive fees or network latency.

3. NEAR is designed to be interoperable

▸ NEAR is designed to work with existing blockchain platforms and is easy for existing applications to migrate to.
▸ NEAR uses the Ethereum Virtual Machine and Web Assembly so that builders can seamlessly swap from Ethereum to NEAR (and back) on the NEAR Rainbow Bridge to leverage the performance, security, and favorable economics of NEAR without having to rebuild their applications or smart contracts.
▸ With NEAR, you don’t have to choose between NEAR and Ethereum or commit to only one blockchain. Interoperability and usability across platforms will be key to the mass adoption of blockchain.

NEAR is the first blockchain platform truly built for the real world. It is a builder's fastest path to market to create blockchain applications that are as easy to use as they are to build. Using NEAR technology you can start building your new projects in the new economy today, and the plugins that we have developed can greatly facilitate your way to WEB3.

Learn more about NEAR 🠒

▸ How the plugins work?

At the moment 8 plugins using the basic NEAR functionality have been developed. The collection will continue to grow as we implement the functionality that is in demand.

Plugins are developed and can be used for projects created on the Tilda platform. The plugins are installed from the Template as a page, which you can then use in your project. All you have to do is to install the template with plugins on your project. Interaction with Near protocol is based on NAER-API-JS library, using REST API requests, which you can read more about here.

For more details on how to install the plugin separately, you can read by selecting the plugin you are interested in, as well as watch video tutorials.

▸ How to install a template?

To install a template with plugins need to do three things.

▸ 1. Create a paid account on the Tilda platform.
▸ 2. Create a new site.
▸ 3. Create a new page and add a template  with ID 26600901

For more information, see the video tutorial.

▸  Video tutorial

Authentication Plugin

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and install a plugin on your project in Tilda or another html page. In order to connect a plugin to your Tilda page, you will need to follow three simple steps, each of which is very important, follow them in sequence. For a better understanding you can watch the video lesson

▸ Step one - Install Plugins Template

In the first step, do all the steps to install the template lagins on your project, for convenience, use the video tutorial.

▸ Step two - Code setup

For the second step, you will need to make some adjustments to the plugin. By default, the authentication plugin has a smart -contract and its methods, to which authorization occurs when a new user registers. If you want to connect to your smart -contract, then you need to make changes to these lines of code.

The line for the contract:

const contract = new Contract(walletConnection.account(), '
name smart-contract', {
   viewMethods: ['
enter methods'],
   changeMethods: ['
name smart-contract']

Also enter the name of your smart-contract and methods in the signIn part of the function:

function signIn() {
 contractId: '
name smart-contract',    
 viewMethods: ['
name smart-contract'],    
 changeMethods: ['
name smart-contract']  

Also need to keep in mind that in the template specified connection network testnet (this is a free network, allows you to test different ideas), if you want to connect this plugin to mainnet (remember this network is paid) then you need to change the data in this code line.

This is specified in this line of code:

const networkId = "testnet or mainnet";

▸ Step tree - Install a code snippet

The final third step is to install the code.

The third step is to install the code in your project and customize all the required styles according to your project. Then publish the page on which the plugin was installed and that's your Authentication plugin is ready to work.

▸  Video tutorial

Account Balance Plugin

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and install a plugin on your project in Tilda or another html page. In order to connect a plugin to your Tilda page, you will need to follow two simple steps, each of which is very important, follow them in sequence. For a better understanding you can watch the video lesson

▸ Step one - Install Plugins Template

In the first step, do all the steps to install the template lagins on your project, for convenience, use the video tutorial.

▸ Step two - Install a code snippet

Install the plugin code on your project page, remember - need to keep in mind that in the template specified connection network testnet (this is a free network, allows you to test different ideas), if you want to connect this plugin to mainnet (remember this network is paid) then you need to change the data in this code line.

This is specified in this line of code:

const networkId = "testnet or mainnet";

▸  Video tutorial

Account Details Plugin  

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and install a plugin on your project in Tilda or another html page. In order to connect a plugin to your Tilda page, you will need to follow two simple steps, each of which is very important, follow them in sequence. For a better understanding you can watch the video lesson

▸ Step one - Install Plugins Template

In the first step, do all the steps to install the template lagins on your project, for convenience, use the video tutorial.

▸ Step two - Install a code snippet

Install the plugin code on your project page, remember - need to keep in mind that in the template specified connection network testnet (this is a free network, allows you to test different ideas), if you want to connect this plugin to mainnet (remember this network is paid) then you need to change the data in this code line.

This is specified in this line of code:

const networkId = "testnet or mainnet";

▸ Video tutorial

All Access Keys Plugin  

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and install a plugin on your project in Tilda or another html page. In order to connect a plugin to your Tilda page, you will need to follow two simple steps, each of which is very important, follow them in sequence. For a better understanding you can watch the video lesson.

▸ Step one - Install Plugins Template

In the first step, do all the steps to install the template lagins on your project, for convenience, use the video tutorial.

▸ Step two - Install a code snippet

Install the plugin code on your project page, remember - need to keep in mind that in the template specified connection network testnet (this is a free network, allows you to test different ideas), if you want to connect this plugin to mainnet (remember this network is paid) then you need to change the data in this code line.

This is specified in this line of code:

const networkId = "testnet or mainnet";

▸ Video tutorial

Parse Seed Prase Plugin  

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and install a plugin on your project in Tilda or another html page. In order to connect a plugin to your Tilda page, you will need to follow two simple steps, each of which is very important, follow them in sequence. For a better understanding you can watch the video lesson.

▸ Step One - Install Plugins Template

In the first step, do all the steps to install the template lagins on your project, for convenience, use the video tutorial.

▸ Step Two - Install a code snippet

Install the plugin code on your project page, remember - need to keep in mind that in the template specified connection network testnet (this is a free network, allows you to test different ideas), if you want to connect this plugin to mainnet (remember this network is paid) then you need to change the data in this code line.

This is specified in this line of code:

const networkId = "testnet or mainnet";

▸ Video Tutorial

Parse Contract Method Plugin  

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and install a plugin on your project in Tilda or another html page. In order to connect a plugin to your Tilda page, you will need to follow two simple steps, each of which is very important, follow them in sequence. For a better understanding you can watch the video lesson.

▸ Step One - Install Plugins Template

In the first step, do all the steps to install the template lagins on your project, for convenience, use the video tutorial.

▸ Step Two - Install a code snippet

Install the plugin code on your project page, remember - need to keep in mind that in the template specified connection network testnet (this is a free network, allows you to test different ideas), if you want to connect this plugin to mainnet (remember this network is paid) then you need to change the data in this code line.

This is specified in this line of code:

const networkId = "testnet or mainnet";

▸ Video Tutorial

Send Token Plugin  

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and install a plugin on your project in Tilda or another html page. In order to connect a plugin to your Tilda page, you will need to follow two simple steps, each of which is very important, follow them in sequence. For a better understanding you can watch the video lesson.

▸ Step One - Install Plugins Template

In the first step, do all the steps to install the template lagins on your project, for convenience, use the video tutorial.

▸ Step Two - Install a code snippet

Install the plugin code on your project page, remember - need to keep in mind that in the template specified connection network testnet (this is a free network, allows you to test different ideas), if you want to connect this plugin to mainnet (remember this network is paid) then you need to change the data in this code line.

This is specified in this line of code:

const networkId = "testnet or mainnet";

This plugin is implemented using a smartcontract that is called by the Function Call method and allows you to send tokens to other users on the Near network. For more details about the code of this smart contract, you can follow the link here

▸ Video Tutorial

Account State Plugin  

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and install a plugin on your project in Tilda or another html page. In order to connect a plugin to your Tilda page, you will need to follow two simple steps, each of which is very important, follow them in sequence. For a better understanding you can watch the video lesson.

▸ Step One - Install Plugins Template

In the first step, do all the steps to install the template lagins on your project, for convenience, use the video tutorial.

▸ Step Two - Install a code snippet

Install the plugin code on your project page, remember - need to keep in mind that in the template specified connection network testnet (this is a free network, allows you to test different ideas), if you want to connect this plugin to mainnet (remember this network is paid) then you need to change the data in this code line.

This is specified in this line of code:

const networkId = "testnet or mainnet";

▸ Video Tutorial